It's so random how infants learn things by trial and error all by themselves. Just the other day my son figured out how to climb up onto the ottoman in an attempt to get into the kitchen. It probably took him like 2 days. Yesterday, he was able to get into the kitchen via the ottoman. It's crazy!!!
The other thing that blows my mind is the way that my little boy already has likes and dislikes. My husband and I have been reading to our son since he was in the womb. He has 20-25 books in his collection and it just keeps growing. The other day my husband's aunt sent him a Valentine's day book. Now we don't have to lay him down or sit him down to read him a book because our son is the one who tells us when it's time to read to him. He will get one of his books and basically he shoves it in our faces. Right now he is very into the following books: Fifteen Animals and Barnyard Dance, both by Sandra Boynton. He makes us read these books to him 2, 3, 4, 5 times in a row.
In terms of things he dislikes, I've got to say he is not a big fan of television. We have tried to introduce him to kiddie shows but, they don't seem to draw his attention. I guess this is a good thing. If there is one thing I dislike is the idea of parents just letting their kids rot in front of the t.v. This is probably a topic for another post.
In terms of personality, I have to say that my little boy is a people person. He is very sociable and sweet. At the same time he can be a bit of a bruiser but, in time he'll get over that phase...I hope. What I do need to do is find other children his age so he learns how to play with others. He's always surrounded by adults so when he sees children his age he doesn't quite know what to do. Again, I guess this takes time.
I could keep on writing about my little boy but, then this post would never end.
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